Sunday, May 20, 2007


Bangladesh needs a lot of power energy to meet the growing need of the exploding population and the power source diminishing. Nuclear power, while a viable option will depend on a lot of political and international clout. But we have plenty of solar energy which we can harness to meet the growing power demand. There's only one problem. it's highly capital intensive. but power from hurricane lantern vis-a-vis solar power is a forgone conclusion! We must use the solar power efficiently to meet the demand of the energy sector. I hope someday my willpower will help me make my mark in the history of Bangladesh with my limited resource and enormous willpower! I hope people from all over the world will lend me a helping hand!

1 comment:

Mahboob Sohel said...

About Solar Power Generation Efforts or the Problems thereof in Bangladesh

I can’t stop myself posting a different topic, albeit distantly related, related
in a sense that the people in this forum looks like genuine thinkers for the
development of Bangladesh. In that respect I’d like you to know one bizarre fact
about our solar power generation efforts or the problems thereof in Bangladesh.
In the wake of the energy crises in Bangladesh looming on the horizon, I looked
for solar panels in Chinese sources. The picture looked dismal. 2-4 USD per watt
seemed like an exorbitantly price tag for me. So I looked to the Department of
Physics, Dhaka University. To my utter surprise (because of my ignorance) I am
told the department is capable of producing the prototype of industrial grade
solar panels right in the country. With the seemingly unlimited raw material,
(silicon) in our coastal and other areas, we can produce the panel in one fifth
of the international price? But we don’t do it! Why not? You might ask. Now
brace yourself for this. The
ministries DONOT allow this. Because the importers on the panels give high rate
of percentages to the ministries and not even the PM cannot get out of this
mess. The NGO’s are so powerful that they can virtually stifle any of the
projects in this respect by the Dept of Physics.

What can be done?

I say develop a forum and press hard. Let the regime of bad ministers topple.
I know its’ easier said than done, but somebody has to do it and it’s us. Our
leaders are as good as we are (or as bad)!!

Lalbag , Dhaka