Sunday, May 20, 2007


SolarBangla is set up to fight the two most important threats facing the world today: global poverty and climate change. The aim is to build small solar devices, such as solar radios, solar lanterns or solar mobile phones. It then will help us set up small solar businesses so that we can sell solar products and earn much-needed income to care for families.

A solar lantern, for instance, can be made for Tk 350, sell for around Tk 1200 and replace the unhealthy and carbon-intensive kerosene lamps that many Asians use - hence alleviating poverty and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, a major global warming gas.
Solar Panels:
The output of a solar panel is usually stated in watts, and the wattage is determined by multiplying the rated voltage by the rated amperage. The formula for wattage is VOLTS times AMPS equals WATTS. So for example, a 12 volt 60 watt solar panel measuring about 20 X 44 inches has a rated voltage of 17.1 and a rated 3.5 amperage.

V x A = W
17.1 volts times 3.5 amps equals 60 watts
tax is withdrawn in 2006 budget!

It is presumed that at "peak sun", 1000 W/m² of power reaches the surface of the earth. One hour of full sun provides 1000 Wh per m² = 1 kWh/m² - representing the solar energy received in one hour on a cloudless summer day on a one-square meter surface directed towards the sun. To put this in some other perspective, the United States Department of Energy indicates the amount of solar energy that hits the surface of the earth every +/- hour is greater than the total amount of energy that the entire human population requires in a year. Another perspective is that roughly 100 square miles of solar panels placed in the southwestern U.S. could power the country.


Bangladesh needs a lot of power energy to meet the growing need of the exploding population and the power source diminishing. Nuclear power, while a viable option will depend on a lot of political and international clout. But we have plenty of solar energy which we can harness to meet the growing power demand. There's only one problem. it's highly capital intensive. but power from hurricane lantern vis-a-vis solar power is a forgone conclusion! We must use the solar power efficiently to meet the demand of the energy sector. I hope someday my willpower will help me make my mark in the history of Bangladesh with my limited resource and enormous willpower! I hope people from all over the world will lend me a helping hand!